SHIPS nagashima

MOP Nagashima,Mie / 2011.07 / Retail

SHIPS nagashima
  • 人気セレクトショップSHIPSの店舗デザイン。
    メンズ、レディス、キッズと多様な商品展開がある中で、意匠を変えた造作照明を用い各コーナーを分かり易くレイアウト。 中央部分は下がり天井を作る事により、スケルトン天井とのメリハリが生まれ、よりリズムのある店内空間となった。様々な仕掛けにより、広い店内を飽きずに回遊できるレイアウトを心がけた。

  • Store design of the popular select shop SHIPS. Because there are a variety of product development men's, women's, and kids, The layout was easy to understand each corner using the lighting fixtures that changed the design. By making the ceiling falling dare, sharp and the ceiling is falling birth skeleton ceiling, the central portion became a shop space with the rhythm more. I try to shop making walkable the store without getting tired a large store by a variety of tricks.

SHIPS nagashima
SHIPS nagashima
SHIPS nagashima
SHIPS nagashima
SHIPS nagashima
SHIPS nagashima
