liflattie ships tachikawa

equte Tachikawa,Tokyo / 2008.10 / Retail

liflattie ships tachikawa
  • "a life in a flat shoes" ーフラットシューズで過ごす生活ー を コンセプトに、人に優しい「素材」と「着心地」にこだわったコレクションをそろえる新ブランド。
    立川店では細長いいわゆるウナギの寝床形状の区画ながら、単調にならないよう壁面の意匠に変化をつけ、 奥のキッズコーナーにはレンガ貼りの小部屋のようなショップ空間を用意。大人も子供もつい奥まで入ってみたくなる様な仕掛けを施した。

  • The concept is "a life in a flat shoes". New brand to align the products stuck as "material" and "comfort". In this shop, I have put a change in the design of the wall while elongated compartment. I prepare for space, such as a small room of the beam brick to kids in the back corner. I have a mechanism both adults and children, such as might want on all the way.

liflattie ships tachikawa
liflattie ships tachikawa
liflattie ships tachikawa
liflattie ships tachikawa
